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Property Description
Gabon has strong proven history in manganese mining, and along with Australia and Brazil is one of the top three producers of manganese in the world. Work by both Bureau de Recherches de Géologiques et Miniére (BRGM), show there are wide spread manganese occurences within the Proterozoic rocks of the exploration licences. Further to this, the presence of a manganese deposit in the same sequence of rocks immediately adjacent to our licences coupled with the fact that the manganese occurences within our licences have never been followed up clearly shows the prospectivity of the region.

Geology: The Ndjole and Mevang exploration licences cover just under 4000 sq. km of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks with similar characteristics to the rocks from the Francevillian basin - which host Gabon's major manganese mines. The best known manganese occurrence in these rocks is the "Bembele" deposit, a manganiferous laterite cap up to 10m thick that has been derived from the weathering of quartzites and schists found at the base of the Proterozoic sequence. Due to their resistant nature, these rocks form obvious topographic features in the region with over 700m of relief in places, and mark the Archean-Proterozoic contact.

Work Completed: The immediately adjacent "Bembele" manganese deposit currently undergoing feasability study covers approximately 9 sq. km and has an estimated reserve of approximately 30 M/t grading between 30% to 40%. Bembele occurs along a major topographic high and within the basal unit of the Proterozoic rocks that extend into our licences. These features coincide with manganese occurences found by the BRGM within our licences, and although they have yet to be followed up, our fieldwork has identified several new manganese occurrences grading up to 47% Mn, along similar topographic features formed by the same rocks in other parts of licences. The mountains formed by the basal unit of the Proterozoic rocks have a combined strike length of over 200km within the licences.

Above: BRGM Mn occurences (yellow) within the Ndjole and Mevang licences. The main geographical feature of the Bembele Manganese deposit (red outline) clearly extends into, and coincides with, manganese occurences within our licences. Trans-Gabon railway is shown as dashed orange line.


The existance of a manganese deposit currently undergoing feasability, coupled with the underexplored nature of the area and the strike length of the prospective terrain, indicates the prospectivity of the region. This combined with the nearby railway system (less than 30km from the railway) leading to Gabon's major port makes this an extremely propective area.

To view the complete Manganese Project Summary, please click here.
To view the Ndjole & Mevang Mineral Maps, please click here.

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