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Property Description
The Iron potential of the Mitzic exploration licence in Gabon has long been recognized. The airbourne magnetic survey flown over Gabon in the 1980's show over 70 kilometres of magnetic highs that correspond to all the major topographic highs in the region. Our field investigations show these areas consist of a variety of iron bearing rocks, ranging from iron quartzites (<30% disseminated magnetite) through to the more predominant coarse grained Banded Iron Formations (BIF's) (20% to 50% magnetite) with localized zones of enriched magnetite (>90%). Scattered boulders of Goethite up to 1m in diameter are also common in the area. Fieldwork also shows significant structural repetition of the BIF unit through both folding and faulting via a series of tight cheveron folds and N-S trending thrust faults that appear to be stacking the BIF unit. The steeply dipping nature of the BIF unit suggests it continues at depth.

Above: Cross section through the Mitzic iron area (with verticle exaggeration), showing the Fe2O3 grades of samples taken by us in the field. Red areas correspond with the magnetic highs.

Above: Summary of analyzed samples taken from the Mitzic iron area.

The high metamorphic grade of the banded iron formations (BIF) in the Mitzic area has resulted in a coarse magnetite ideal for easy benefication. A similar BIF occurrence to the "Mitzic" iron area, found in the east of Gabon - "Lobi Lobi" has been previously examined for it's mining potential. Although never put into production due to the iron market at the time, inital tests found the grade could be increased very easily from an average of 41% Fe to approximately 67% with crushing and simple magnetic separtion. This combined with the nearby railway system (less than 60km from the project area) and leads to Gabon's major port, makes this area a very viable iron target.

To view the complete Mitzic Iron Project Summary and Cross Sections, please click here.
To view the Mitzic Mineral Maps, please click here.

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