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Property Description
The Mianga project focuses on the basal unit of the Proterozoic "Ogooue" metasediments and it's thrust fault contact with the underlying Archean basement. The geology consists of a stacked sequence of quartzites, mica schists, and ferrigenous units that form a prominent topographic high in the area with over 700m of relief, crosscut by a series of splays and faults associated with the Proterozoic-Archean contact. Our licences take in over 100km of this contact.

Previous Work: During it's "Mission du Mitzic", the Bureau de Recherches de Géologiques et Miniére (BRGM) identified a 9 kilometre multi-element stream sediment anomaly that included; gold, copper, nickel, chrome, zinc, silver, molybedum, colbalt and barium along the length of the Mianga ridge that they tested with a soil grid. They identified a 2km long polymetallic anomaly that was never followed up.

Work Done: We followed up BRGM results with a soil sampling and prospecting campaign taking over 1000 soil samples in the area. Results confirmed a coherant gold anomaly (>20ppb) with peak values over 200ppb (background gold is <5ppb). In July 2008 we flew an electro-magnetic (EM) and magnetic survey with a 200m line spacing along 18 kilometres of the Mianga ridge. An extremely strong EM response along the entire 18km length of the ridge coincided with the stream and soil anomalies and also revealed a series of (inferred) structures associated with the thrust fault contact. Future work for the area will target the EM anomalies and structures to establish if there is economic mineralization in the area.

Above: The Mianga soil grid with gold (A), copper (B), nickel (C), chrome (D). Also the EM (E) and Magnetic (F) survey with the soil grid location. The strong magnetic response is due to banded iron formations in the area. The orange dashed lines shows an inferred fault based from the magnetics that coincides with the EM anomaly.

Our licences takes in over 100km of the Archean-Proterozoic contact. This feature, which includes the Mianga project, occupies a position very favourable to large shear hosted mesothermal vein style mineralization. The coincident geochemical and geophysical anomaly coupled with the size of the fault zone and under explored nature of the structure suggests there is significant potential for a large gold deposit.

To view the complete Gold Projects Summary, please click here.
To view the Mianga Mineral Maps, please click here.

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