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Gold Zones
Soil Grid Locations
Gold Anomalies
Rock Sample Gold Results
Planned Drill Lines
Drill Hole Results


Metalline Mining Inc. is extremely pleased to announce the start of a 4000m diamond drilling program in August on its Ndjole and Mevang Exploration licenses in Gabon, Central Africa. The drill program will be conducted under the direction of our JV partner AngloGold Ashanti. The Ndjole and Mevang permits cover rocks from two adjacent sedimentary basins which comprise a sequence of deformed sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary units that are early Proterozoic in age. Three prospective zones for gold exist within these licenses; the La Mboumi, Ebel, and Mianga prospects, which are shown below.

Figure 1 Metalline’s Ndjole and Mevang exploration licenses showing the location of the La Mboumi, Ebel and Mianga gold prospects.

Following the signing of a Joint Venture with AngloGold Ashanti in late October 2009, Metalline staff, in consultation with experts from AngloGold, began an aggressive field campaign on the Ndjole exploration permit. Three large soil grids, each in excess of 10km x 5km in size and which comprised of over 2500 samples, targeted areas with known mineralization and favorable geology. Results from these grids were then followed up with 4 infill soil grids and targeted geological mapping aimed at better defining the anomalous zones. In a testament to joint venture’s team in Gabon, a total of over 13,000 samples have been taken in steep terrain and dense jungle since the start of the year.

Geochemical Results
Results from soils from ALS laboratories in Johannesburg, South Africa show three main coherent gold anomalies above 50ppb over 5km in length and up to 1.5km wide and several smaller anomalous zones up to 2km in length and up to 1km wide. Background gold values in the region are less than 5ppb and results above 20ppb are considered anomalous. Over 25% of the results received to date are above 30 ppb with peak values in excess of 5000ppb in the soils. The anomalies appear to have strong structural controls - concentrating along mapped or inferred lithological contacts, structural breaks, and fold hinges. In addition there is a strong spatial relationship of the gold anomalies to a thick graphitic lithological unit in the area which is thought to represent an ideal lithological trap for mineralizing fluids. Initial prospecting in these anomalous zones has identified a number of gold-arsenopyrite bearing quartz veins, many of which run between 2 g/t to 5 g/t gold.

Figure 2 Location of the soil grids in the La Mboumi area (see A). To date the number of samples taken totals over 13,000 since the beginning of the year. Outline of the main gold anomalies identified (see B). Soil geochemistry has identified 3 main areas with significiant gold anomalies. Some of these zones form coherent gold anomalies above 50ppb over 5km in length, as well as numerous smaller ones.

Figure 3 Gold results for rock samples taken from the La Mboumi East anomaly.  All samples  are from gold-arsenopyrite bearing veins. An outline of the gold results in the soils above 30ppb (yellow) and 100ppb (red) are also shown and have a good correlation with the gold results in the rocks. Continued detailed mapping is planned for this area to better understand the orientation and concentration of the veins in the area.

All samples were analyzed at ALS Laboratories in Johannesburg, South Africa using a 50 gram pulp which is analyzed for gold using ICP and a 51 element suite using an aqua regia digestion. In addition to a rigorous QA/QC program conducted by ALS using standards, duplicates, and blanks, Metalline also ensures quality by doubling up random samples and inserting a certified standard or blank every 25 samples.

Drill Program
A man portable diamond drill from E-Global Drilling recently arrived into the country and has been transported to site, with drilling expected is to commence in the first week of August. A 4000m drilling program of 4 drill line traverses comprising of 20 holes to 200m depth is currently planned. 

The first 3 drill lines will focus on several gold anomalies identified by historical drilling (see table below) and the recent field campaign, whilst the fourth will drill a co-incident soil and electro-magnetic (EM) “bulls eye” target in the Ebel area previously identified by Metalline.

Figure 3 The 4 planned drill traverses for the up and coming drill program. Drill lines 1 and 2 (see A) target the main "central anomaly" that is the site of the only previous drilling in the area. Unconfirmed results from these drill holes had intercepts of 3.5g/t over 10.5m and 2.3g/t over 6.5m. A summary of these drill holes is included below. Drill line 3 will target a gold anomaly on the western side of the La Mboumi area (see A), whist drill line 4 will target an area up in the Ebel region (see B).

The 1st and 2nd drill lines will focus on the La Mboumi Central anomaly, which is the only area to have known historical drilling. Seven holes were completed in the early 1990’s by the Direction de la Géologie et de la Reserche Miniére (DGMG) under a UN development program. All holes intercepted gold mineralization and a summary of the unconfirmed results are shown below.

Timothy Barry (AusIMM), a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and verified the technical information contained in this news release.

Metalline Mining | 1330 E. Margaret Ave. | Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
TEL: 208.665.2002 | EMAIL:


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