Pite Creative Develops MVFPD Members Extranet
DENVER, October 7/PRNewswire/ -- Pite Creative Services Inc. was selected to develop the MountainView Fire Department (MVFPD) members extranet. The purpose of this creative is to build a robust and dynamic members only extranet for training, communication and social networking.
The Mountain View Fire District provides an array of emergency and non-emergency services including: Fire, Rescue, Advanced Life Support Transport Services and Basic Life Support Emergency Medical Service, Public Education, Fire Prevention, and other specialized services to the 50,000 permanent residents and a commuting population of over 60,000 in a 184-square-mile response area.
Pite Creative is a design and communications firm with a diverse, nationwide client base of publicly-traded corporations, non-profit organizations and emerging businesses. Pite Creative offers web site development, hosting and maintenance; annual report design and production; multi-media presentations; brochures; identity and corporate branding. A collaborative consortium facilitates specific client needs in the public relations, marketing and investor relations arenas as well as for photography, writing, illustration and printing.
For more information on Pite Creative visit its web site at http://www.pitecreative.com or call 720-304-9411.